5th Album, at Long Last!

Carol Savery and I formed, PILCIR Productions in 1999, and together we produced the 4th album, PHOENIX SINGS AT SUNDOWN~~LULLABIES FOR ALL AGES, which some of you already have! Carol has maintained the business side of the company, I’ve been working on the music, as we both have been fulfilling family obligations. Life has a way of diverting one off planned paths, but the obstacles are often redeemed and life is made richer when relationships and wisdom grower deeper for the ones open to it. We’ve persevered and once again are making visible progress in achieving our goal of sharing my music with the widest possible audience, believing it to be of quality and content to merit serious consideration and much enjoyment. After a long hiatus, Carol and I are progressing right along now, pulling together my newest album, CONNECTED AT THE HEART, a tribute to my mother, Betty Stark, who passed on Sept. 13, 2009. Mom was a great music lover and through her encouragement I began a lifelong journey into the world of music and its limitless expressions. Ninety-nine and a half percent of the songs on this latest album are my original material, forming a wide-ranging bouquet of styles and moods. Vocal and piano tracks form the core of most of the numbers, showcasing my harmonizing abilities and stylistic range. Working with Tony Perry, the amazing engineer at Star Studio in Crossville, Tennessee, I am growing my chops further as a singer/songwriter/arranger, embracing technologies and tools such as Reaper, Garritan, Cool Edit Pro and more. Moving bravely through technophobic timidities, I am venturing (tiptoeing bravely) into the world of online possibilities, casting the net globally, on this very website (!) to greet the global community and signal an invitation to y'all (as they say here) to become acquainted or re-acquainted with my/our work (and play). Eleven songs are in the bag, nine of them ready to add next live instrumentation--that would be percussion. Two more works-in-progress are in the mixing stage, with possibly another two yet to be recorded. Exciting, exciting!

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