  1. Mother's Day

From the recording Mother's Day

Day of the Grafton Spring Horse Show, Mother’s Day, 1994 Grafton Turnpike, Canaan, NH. The private anguish, prayer, and seeking for guidance - before being able to navigate disappointments and trials in ways that honestly model core principles such as flexibility and devotion.


It’s an all-night, white-light sky of grey.
The Spring Horse Show is canceled today,
‘Cause it’s pouring rain on this Mother’s Day,
On the eighth of May, hey, hey.
Oh well, oh well, oh swell, oh well.

There are just some things we cannot change,
And then we all must re-arrange
And though sometimes you may think it strange
There’s a range of times with different rhymes
Old song, new way, hey, hey, hey, hey.

So I wonder what to do now, and I wonder what to say
‘Cause it’s one more disappointment
And I want to find a way
To celebrate this family, find a way to say
As a mother on Mother’s Day, we’ll be okay.

Disappointment stings, it always does;
I’m not surprised. I really was
Looking forward to the time with you.
There are too few when we can do
Something kick-back, something new.
Boo-hoo, boo-hoo……..

So I call on imagination, and I call the angels in,
And I open up my mind and heart so I once more can begin
To find a way to show my love, find a way to say
As a mother on a rainy day, we’ll be okay…
As a mother on Mother’s Day, we’ll be okay…
As a mother on any day…we’ll be okay.